If you are experiencing an emergency please dial 9-1-1 or call the Butte-Silver Bow Law Enforcement Department (406) 497-1120

Want To Join?
Ready to make a difference?
Discover how you can contribute your skills and passions to our search and rescue team. Together, we can make every moment count and save lives.
Thinking About Joining?
To join the search and rescue a prospective member comes to a meeting introduces themselves and fills out an application for membership.
What happens after I turn in an application?
Your application will be given to the Sheriff's department were they will run a background check to ensure you do not have a criminal record. The members will hold a vote on whether to you should join the group. If voted in, you will begin a probationary period that will last 6 months. During the probationary period, we expect you to attend searches, work parties, fund raisers and other events. During this time you will need to obtain a First Aid Card. After 6 months has passed and the members have seen your dedication and skills they will vote on whether or not to make you a full member.